AVCJ Private Equity Forum Korea 2024

06 Sep

Venture capital: Adapting to change (conducted in Korean only)

The venture capital ecosystem in South Korea is driven by a strong innovation culture, and significant Government support and has shown remarkable adaptability while continuing to be a dynamic force of growth. Recent relaxation of rules for venture investment has further boosted the industry, and savvy early-stage investors are looking to capitalise on opportunities across key sectors including AI, technology, and healthcare. Experienced venture investors share their views on sourcing deals domestically and overseas.

  • How has the venture capital playbook changed in the last two years?
  • Is the correction in valuations boosting deal activity?
  • Has the ecosystem benefited from the Corporate Venture Capital units set up?
  • What sectors are proving most attractive?
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  • Speakers keyboard_arrow_down
    Yu Kyeong Kim Seoul Bureau Chief & Editor APAC MERGERMARKET Bio
    Heeeun Park Partner ALTOS VENTURES Bio
    Che-Uk Kim Chief Managing Director ATINUM INVESTMENT Bio
    Cindy Jin Partner SBVA Bio
Language: English 한국어

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