Crossroads Podcast: Ferrovial Vertiports CEO discusses eVTOLs place in the infra landscape

Podcast 18 April

Crossroads Podcast: Ferrovial Vertiports CEO discusses eVTOLs place in the infra landscape

At first glance, Ferrovial Vertiports might seem like something out of the pages of a science fiction novel. But vertiports, which provide the terrestrial backbone for electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL), are advancing toward reality.

This month, Ferrovial Vertiports CEO Kevin Cox joined Crossroads: The Infrastructure Podcast to discuss steps the company is taking to make its Vision for vertiports a reality.

Cox covers such topics as: vertiports’ potential as P3 projects; infrastructure requirements for vertiports; and what regulations, at the state and federal level, will be needed for vertiports to take off.

To listen to the podcast, click here. The podcast is also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

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