Infralogic US P3 Forum 2023

Getting creative: how P3s can be part of the solution to deliver America’s essential infrastructure

Conrad New York Downtown, 102 North End Avenue, New York, NY 10282

13 Jun

Improving communities through P3s and getting constituent buy-in

Constituents buy in is crucial for the success of P3s. Potential projects often face public backlash, often due to a misunderstanding of the terms of P3s. In this session, hear from both the public and private sector, about the best strategies to educate communities on the merits of using P3s to buildcritical infrastructure. 

  • What is the best time for governments to start educating the public?
  • How can procurement agencies find the right advisors?
  • What can state legislators, government departments and agencies do to speed up the procurement of P3 projects? 
  • What political and geographical issues must be considered? How much does public sentiment play into these considerations?
  • What steps should a government agency take to determine the right level of public funding for a project?  
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  • Speakers keyboard_arrow_down
    Natriece Bryant Public Private Partnership Director Colorado Department of Personnel and Administration Bio
    Jeremy Ebie Co-Founder & Managing Partner Phoenix Infrastructure Group Bio
    Jim Ziglar Principal Rebel Group Bio
    Jonathan Carmody Managing Editor, Americas Infralogic Bio