Infralogic US P3 Forum 2023

Getting creative: how P3s can be part of the solution to deliver America’s essential infrastructure

Conrad New York Downtown, 102 North End Avenue, New York, NY 10282

14 Jun

Funding P3s

Developers faced dramatically more expensive financing markets in 2022 as the Federal Reserve raised interest rates in response to stubbornly high inflation. Even so, P3 projects secured record amounts of capital to reach financial close. In 2022, almost USD 20bn dollars in SPV and holdco-level debt were secured in the US P3 market, with both loans and bonds highly increasing their YoY values. PABs figures experienced their record year in 2022, driven by large deals such as the redevelopment of JFK Terminal 6, the financing of Maryland Purple Line, and the financial close of the Pennsylvania Major Bridge Program

In this panel, experts will discuss what are the best strategies for financing projects in a high volatility environment.

  • How much capacity do banks have to provide construction financing?
  • How can developers take advantage of TIFIA and WIFIA financing? PABs?
  • What other sources of debt and equity capital are available?
  • If the US enters a recession, how concerned should developers be about the financial strength of state and local governments?
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  • Speakers keyboard_arrow_down
    Syed Ahmed Director, Infrastructure and Project Finance MetLife Investment Management Bio
    Duane Callender Director-Credit Programs Office Build America Bureau, USDOT Bio
    Jorianne Jernberg Director, WIFIA Management Division, Office of Wastewater Management Office of Water, U.S. EPA Bio
    Julie Burger Managing Director Wells Fargo Corporate & Investment Banking Bio
    Michael Lexton Managing Director and Head of Transportation and P3 UBS Financial Services Inc Bio
    Robin Ganguly Global Executive Editor Infralogic Bio