Backstop Beyond 2024

Elevate. Engage. Evolve. Our exclusive Austin gathering returns!

Four Seasons Hotel, Austin


09.00 - 09.10

Opening Remarks & Welcome

Clint Coghill
Clint Coghill Head of Investors, ION Analytics
09:10 - 09:30

Product Overview

Come hear about the evolution of the Backstop product over the past 12 months and over the next few quarters. You get the inside scoop on active initiatives, key areas of development and service focus, and a front row seat to Backstop's trajectory.

Adam Hoit Investment Domain Director, ION Analytics ( Backstop)
09.30 - 09.50


09.50 - 10.05

Funds, Private Markets, and Intelligence - Industry Presentation

Ben Crawford VP, Head of Research and Product, ION Analytics (Backstop)
10.05 - 10.45

Panel -State of the market- the increasing convergence of private markets

A higher interest rate environment, fundraising challenges and geopolitical uncertainties have meant that private market participants have found themselves entering a new phase of maturation and consolidation, with established managers making strategic acquisitions in a bid to innovate and diversify their product offerings. This panel session will provide an overview of various segments of the investment class, including private equity, private debt, infrastructure, how consolidation has impacted the market, and how GPs and LPs in the space are navigating the ever-evolving private markets space.

  •  What are the main drivers of deal flow in the US, and what are the opportunities and challenges?
  • What has driven the acceleration of consolidation in the market in the past few years? How will consolidation and integration become a value-add as we enter a new era of private markets?
  •  How can firms best position themselves for the future as the industry continues to transform?
William Prather
William Prather CEO & CIO, Cypress Creek Partners
10.45 - 11.10

Coffee Break

11.10 - 11.40

GP Track: GP Top Gems

In today's ever-changing environment, it is crucial for GPs to effectively track leads, optimize capital-raising and streamline processes.  Join us as we unveil Backstop's latest innovations tailored to meet the specific needs of GPs.

Alex Crawford
Alex Crawford Director of Knowledge Management, ION Analytics ( Backstop)
Ronen Kohn
Ronen Kohn Tech Touch Manager, ION Analytics ( Backstop)
11.10 - 11.40

LP Track: LP Top Gems

It is crucial for allocators to stay up to date on due diligence, optimized portfolio tracking, investment research, stakeholder reporting, and be on the lookout for new asset class opportunities on the horizon. Join us as we delve  into the latest capabilities of Backstop tailored to meet the unique needs of LPs.

Levi Eubanks
Levi Eubanks Head of Solutions Consulting, ION Analytics ( Backstop)
Mackenzie Radziewicz Domain Specialist, ION Analytics (Backstop)
11.40 - 12.20

GP Track: Revolutionize Reporting: Get Organized and Operate Smarter with Backstop’s Newest Capabilities

  • Capital raising
  • Investor Relations

Get up to speed on the Insight Center, New explorers, Template Libraries (along with a few other items) as revolutionary changes to your reporting .  We’ll cover how these these capabilities fast track your experience to a state of WOW! And learn about the next innovations right around the corner.

Michelle Staeger
Michelle Staeger Principal Project Manager, ION Analytics ( Backstop)
Robert Silberschein
Robert Silberschein Senior Product Manager, Client Services, ION Analytics ( Backstop)
11.40 - 12.20

LP Track: Tailor Backstop to your team with Templates

  • Research 
  • Portfolio (Light)

Better practices are now at your fingertips across Backstop from the community of Backstop LPs. Tailor your instance with specific use cases in seconds using the new Backstop standardized template capabilities and then personalize to the specific needs of your teams and users. Get up to speed fast with the new Insight Center.

Sean Keogh
Sean Keogh Senior Product Manager, ION Analytics ( Backstop)
Diana Gore Principal Project Manager, ION Analytics (Backstop)
12.20 - 13.20


13:20 - 14:00

GP Track: ION Connectivity and Entity Insights

This session will highlight new capabilities coming from a connected experience with Ion and how Backstop users can take advantage of these capabilities as a value-add tool for raising capital and service clients. 

In addition, we will do a deep dive on specific use cases where the new entity report links will enable you to drill-down and zoom out with ease to get the right level of intelligence.

Alex Crawford
Alex Crawford Director of Knowledge Management, ION Analytics ( Backstop)
Levi Eubanks
Levi Eubanks Head of Solutions Consulting, ION Analytics ( Backstop)
13.20 - 14.00

LP Track: ION Connectivity and New Entity Relationships

This session will highlight new capabilities coming from a connected experience with ION and how Backstop users can leverage these capabilities for increased data standardization and value-added insights for new and existing manager relationships.  In addition, clients will learn about the new power inherent in the Add Flows available across entities in Backstop as they establish relationships with Managers and Counterparties.

Shane Jacob
Shane Jacob Associate Product Manager, ION Analytics ( Backstop)
Matt Mudge Vice President, Professional Services , ION Analytics (Backstop)
14.00 - 14.45

Client Showcase - LP Track

Kellie Kane Chief Operating Officer, NEPC
14.45 - 15.00

Coffee Break

15.00 - 15.45

GP Track: Mastering Insights: A Working Session on Our Top Templates for leading GPs

Better practices are now at your fingertips across Backstop's insights solutions (including Explorers, Dashboards, Reports, and Home Base) from the community of Backstop GPs. Tailor your instance with our favorite use cases in seconds through this working session with our experts  and then enhance the workflow of your users and team.

Michelle Staeger
Michelle Staeger Principal Project Manager, ION Analytics ( Backstop)
Mackenzie Radziewicz Domain Specialist, ION Analytics (Backstop)
15.00 - 15.45

LP Track: Increase your (AI)Q with Activity Intelligence

This session will focus on updates to Backstop AI-driven solutions which merge human insight with machine intelligence to power your team and processes forward including Activity Summaries, IntellX Connector, Document Insights and Activity Explorer, tailored to meet the unique needs of LPs.

Shane Jacob
Shane Jacob Associate Product Manager, ION Analytics ( Backstop)
Stephen Wynkoop Director of Product- Date and Automation Products, ION Analytics (Backstop)
15:45 - 16:45

Champagne Roundtable Discussions

