Registration & Networking
Opening Speech: Opportunities & challenges for investing in Europe
While Europe has turned a corner on COVID – with most countries open to pre-pandemic levels – the current geopolitical crisis on the continent has presented many new and potentially long-term challenges and unknowns for governments, investors and communities. How attractive and open is Europe for infrastructure investors? This keynote session will examine the state of play across the continent, looking at opportunities, risks, and emerging trends, including:
- What are the immediate issues facing investors?
- Are rising inflation and interest rates a challenge?
- Which sectors are looking most attractive?
- Is more competition and a lack of supply a challenge or an opportunity?
- Are we redefining ‘infrastructure’? What new trends are emerging?
- What is the outlook over the coming years?
Opening Panel Discussion: The state of play - Examining investor strategies in 2022 and beyond
- How has risk appetite changed/is changing and what gets CIOs interested?
- An overview of the disparity in investor interest for growth: How do you deploy record level of dry powder in the next 12 months?
- Core+ strategies versus core and supercore
- Balancing the investor portfolio in a post-pandemic environment
- Putting COP26 promises into action: the infrastructure industry doing enough and what can investors do today?
- How people view the post pandemic world of infrastructure
Keynote Address: A regulatory update: Energy, Water and Utilities
Utilities, such as generation assets and electricity and gas distribution networks, are forecast to continue to have a solid year in 2022. From a regulatory standpoint, progress has been made in the sector, with regulators working together to align their approach to price controls, to achieve greater clarity and consistency in order to achieve a well-regulated market economy that can respond to coming challenges.
- Understanding the four pillars of the regulatory review: duties of the regulators, clear strategic direction; greater competition in strategic investments; transparency and consistency
- New regulation price review in the water space: what can a water company charge?
- Water utilities decarbonisation roadmap: the pros and cons for sector and wider economy
Morning Refreshments & Networking
Case Study: How will Hy24 managed fund invest into the market?
Hy24 was created by Ardian and FiveT Hydrogen to manage the Clean H2 Infra Fund, the world’s largest fund exclusively dedicated to clean hydrogen infrastructure solutions. With strong industrial expertise at its core, the platform has the unique capacity to accelerate the scaling up of hydrogen solutions along the whole value chain: production, conversion, storage and supply and usage. The platform will support large early stage and strategic projects to become essential energy infrastructure.
- The challenges and opportunities of decarbonisation
- What role can infrastructure play in the decarbonisation of Europe?
- How to scale up hydrogen infrastructures?
- Mobilising the industrial and financial sector to invest in the whole hydrogen value chain
Panel Discussion: Creating value with energy transition
Some USD 20 trillion is needed for decarbonising global economies, with roughly two-thirds of this coming from private capital. Who are the likely winners and losers in this?
With climate concerns crystallising in the wake of Covid, demonstrable net zero action is now a top concern for investors and investment funds. The once-obvious distinction between mainstream and impact investors has become blurry.
- Generating stable returns in volatile energy markets
- How can business capitalise on clear and bold engagement with net zero targets to generate investment?
- Navigating the energy transition post COP-26 and looking towards COP-27
- Asset allocators views on the latest trends in the energy transition
- Is now the time for mainstream infra funds to invest in battery storage?
- Are green hydrogen and green methanol the missing link in the energy transition?
- What is the role of gas and nuclear in the energy transition?
- Tackling control issues in Renewables - Options for achieving closer alignment of investor interests
Keynote Presentation: EV charging as an infrastructure investment
- How have you managed to get the right balance of risk and return in EV charging investing?
- Do you expect a continuing decline in costs associated with EV charging ownership?
- How have you overcome the challenges faced with entering new markets?
- Infrastructure funds have already begun investing in in EV charging but is it “mainstream” yet?
- Is there a risk of stranded assets if investment goes into the wrong infrastructure?
- When do you predict a spike in profitability linked to the huge forecast rise in EVs?
- Which areas of the sector and which funding models are most attractive to infrastructure investors?
- What are the ideal types of offtaker – public sector, users, energy groups?
Networking Lunch
Panel Discussion: Transport: Re-evaluating core infrastructure for a post pandemic decarbonised future
Transport was the hardest hit sector in the pandemic year of 2020 with investment in Europe falling 40% to USD 44.35bn. But concerns over the long-term economic impact of the coronavirus and a much more prevalent decarbonisation agenda has not stopped investors buying into the most traditional parts of the sector with roads seeing some big deals in Europe, airport freight an area of renewed and developing interest and good performance in the ports sector.
- How has the last 12 months affected the outlook for ports and what parts of the sector offer the best opportunities?
- How is the decarbonisation agenda driving infra fund interest in transport assets in Europe?
- How to decarbonise and manage road assets
- Key steps: managing the electrification of transport, facilitating sustainable fuels and reducing emissions
- Reviewing differences in valuations between listed and private market assets
- What is behind the surge in interest by infrastructure funds for rail freight assets, and what is the future of this sector in Europe?
- Solving the decarbonisation of the entire freight supply chain
Panel Discussion: Keys to success in the future of digital and telecoms infrastructure
Digital infrastructure has grown in popularity in recent years and COVID-19 has both brought forward demand levels in this sector by several years and reinforced to investors just how critical these assets are to our daily lives.
- The role of digital infrastructure in achieving sustainability targets
- Assessing the evolving GP landscape and what this means for investors
- Competing with energy transition and renewables infra – what barriers does digital infra still face before it can achieve similar fundraising levels?
- Green data centres and achieving ESG goals
- Where do opportunities lie in the continuing global fibre rollout?
- Valuations of digital infrastructure assets
- Cyber security, critical national infrastructure and digitisation - what could possibly go wrong?
Afternoon Refreshments & Networking
Panel Discussion: Infrastructure debt opportunities in 2022 and beyond - Are we ready to quantify the impact of COVID-19 on infra lending?
- Impact on portfolio and impact of Interest rates and inflation
- New core infrastructure: how debt is providing security & opportunity for forward-thinking investors
- Have investors pushed leverage too far?
- Is demand for junior debt still strong?
- Is demand for unitranche debt funds (mix of senior and junior) on the rise, and if so, why?
- Moving with the times – how debt managers can improve their ESG integration
- Understanding the emergence of the green infrastructure debt brand
Keynote Presentation: Impact investing for sustainability
- Global challenges are interconnected and sustainability is multifaceted
- While we can zoom in on sectors as individual funds (eg circular economy), systemic change can be driven by investment across multiple segments: financial inclusion, new materials alongside circular economy
- In tech investment, new business models are as important as technological innovation
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