- アドバンテッジパートナーズ
- AIP・アセット・マネジメント
- アイシン企業年金基金
- アリアンツ・グローバル・インベスターズ
- エー・アイ・キャピタル
- エイパックス・パートナーズ
- APG・アセット・マネジメント
- アーク東短オルタナティブ
- 旭化成企業年金基金
- 朝日生命
- Ashurst
- アセットマネジメントOne
- アセットマネジメントOne株式会社
- アクサ・リアル・エステート・インベストメント・マネジャーズ・ジャパン株式会社
- ブルームバーグ・ニュース
- ブルックフィールド・アセット・マネジメント
- カナディアン・ソーラー・アセットマネジメント
- カナディアン・ソーラー・プロジェクト
- キャピタル・ダイナミックス
- カナディアン・ソーラー・インフラ投資法人/ カナディアン・ソーラー・アセットマネジメント株式会社
- カーライル・グループ
- CDPQ シンガポール
- 中国光大グループ
- 株式会社クロスポイント・アドバイザーズ
- 大同生命保険株式会社
- 大和ファンド・コンサルティング
- 大和ハウス工業企業年金基金
- DBJアセットマネジメント
- デンソーグループ企業年金基金
- 株式会社日本政策投資銀行
- ダスキン企業年金基金
- EQT パートナーズ
- ERM ジャパン
- アーンスト・アンド・ヤング
- 富士ゼロックス企業年金基金
- 福岡銀行
- Global Infrastructure Investor Association (GIIA)
- 年金積立金管理運用独立行政法人
- H.R.L. Morrison and Co
- ハミルトン・レーン
- HC アセットマネジメント株式会社
- Herbert Smith Freehills
- 日立投資顧問株式会社
- 株式会社 日立製作所
- アイスクエアドキャピタル
- IFC アセットマネジメント
- IFMインベスターズ
https://www.blackrock.com/institutions/en-axj/strategies/alternativesBlackRock's private markets platform serves investors seeking outperformance in infrastructure, private debt, private equity, real estate, and multi-alternatives solutions. We strive to bring our investors the highest quality opportunities by drawing upon our global footprint, superior execution capabilities, proprietary technology, and position as a preferred partner. As of March 31, 2024, BlackRock manages US$330 billion in liquid and illiquid alternative investments and commitments on behalf of clients worldwide.
Brookfield Asset Management
https://bam.brookfield.comBrookfield Asset Management is a leading global alternative asset manager with over US$1 trillion of assets under management across infrastructure, real estate, renewable power and transition, private equity, and credit. The firm invests client capital for the long-term with a focus on real assets and essential service businesses that form the backbone of the global economy. Brookfield Asset Management offers a range of alternative investment products to investors around the world — including public and private pension plans, endowments and foundations, sovereign wealth funds, financial institutions, insurance companies and private wealth investors.
https://www.pantheon.comPantheon is a leading global private equity, infrastructure, real assets and debt fund investor that has invested on behalf of over 585 investors, including public and private pension plans, insurance companies, endowments and foundations, over four decades. Founded in 1982, our eight global offices include three in Asia, in Hong Kong, Seoul and Tokyo from which the firm has operated since 1992, 2014 and 2018 respectively. Pantheon has developed an established reputation in primary, co-investment and secondary private asset solutions across all stages and geographies. Our investment solutions include customized separate account programs, regional primary fund programs, secondaries, co-investment, infrastructure and real assets programs. As at March 31st, 2019 Pantheon had $46.3 billion assets under management and we currently have around 300 global employees. Pantheon is majority-owned by Affiliated Managers Group Inc. (“AMG”), alongside senior members of the Pantheon team.
Schroders Capital
https://www.schroderscapital.comSchroders Capital
Schroders Capital provides investors with access to a broad range of private asset investment opportunities, portfolio building blocks and customised private asset strategies. Its team focuses on delivering best-in-class, risk-adjusted returns and executing investments through a combination of direct investment capabilities and broader solutions in all private market asset classes, through comingled funds and customised private asset mandates.
The team aims to achieve sustainable returns through a rigorous approach and in alignment with a culture characterised by performance, collaboration and integrity.
With $90.6 billion (£75.3 billion; €84.8 billion)* assets under management, Schroders Capital offers a diversified range of investment strategies, including real estate, private equity, secondaries, venture capital, infrastructure, securitised products and asset-based finance, private debt, insurance-linked securities and BlueOrchard (Impact Specialists).
*Assets under management as at 31 December 2022 (including non-fee earning dry powder and in-house cross holdings)
For more information, visit us at www.SchrodersCapital.com.
Schroders plc
Founded in 1804, Schroders is one of Europe’s largest independent investment management firms by assets under management. As at 31 December 2022, assets under management were £737.5 billion. The founding family remain a core shareholder, holding approximately 44% of the firm’s shares. Schroders has continued to deliver strong financial results. It has a market capitalisation of circa £7 billion and employs over 6,000 people across 38 locations.
Schroders has benefited from the most diverse business model of any UK asset manager by geography, by asset class and by client type. Schroders offers innovative products and solutions across their five business areas of solutions; institutional; mutual funds; private assets & alternatives; and wealth management. Clients include insurance companies, pension schemes, sovereign wealth funds, endowments and foundations. They also manage assets for end clients as part of their relationships with distributors, financial advisers and online platforms. Schroders’ Wealth Management offering reflects their strategic ambition to provide wealth management and financial planning services to clients across the wealth spectrum.
Schroders’ strategic aims are to grow their asset management business, build closer relationships with end clients and expand their private assets and alternatives business. Schroders’ purpose is to provide excellent investment performance to clients through active management. The business channels capital into sustainable and durable businesses to accelerate positive change in the world. Schroders’ business philosophy is based on the belief that if we deliver for clients, we deliver for Shareholders and other stakeholders.
For more information, visit us at www.Schroders.com.
The Global Listed Infrastructure Organisation
https://www.glio.org/The Global Listed Infrastructure Organisation (GLIO) is the representative body for the $3 trillion market capitalization listed infrastructure asset class. GLIO raises investor awareness for the asset class through research, education, events and promotion.
GLIO is supported by its membership structure. Its members are regulated utilities, transportation infrastructure, communications infrastructure and energy transportation infrastructure companies. In total, GLIO corporate members represent approximately $850bn in market capitalization, or $1.2trn in Enterprise Value.
Specialist listed infrastructure managers make up a significant part of the membership, along with banks and advisors. The specialist managers manage approximately $115bn in assets under management.
https://gresb.comGRESB is a mission driven and investor led organization providing standardized and validated Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) data to the capital markets. Established in 2009, GRESB has become the leading ESG benchmark for real estate and infrastructure investments across the world.
The 2021 real estate benchmark covers more than 1,500 property companies, real estate investment trusts (REITs), funds, and developers. Our coverage for infrastructure includes more than 700 infrastructure funds and assets. Combined, GRESB represents US $5.7 trillion in real asset value.
The reported ESG data is used by more than 170 institutional and financial investors to monitor investments across portfolios and understand the opportunities, risks and choices that need to be made as the industry transitions to a more sustainable future.
In order to support the development of startup companies in Japan, Venture Enterprise Center (abbreviated as VEC) was established as an organization approved by Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (former Minister of International Trade and Industry) in 1975.
Since establishment, VEC had been engaged in debt guarantee operation (this service ended in FY 2001).
Currently, instead of this, we are conducting various startup business supporting activities such as "Provision of Research Information" in which we investigate the investment trends of venture capital, "Policy Proposal" through research and study on specific issues, and "Development of Entrepreneurial Environment" to promote the communication between the new entrepreneurs and supporters.
Asia Business Law Journal
https://law.asia/Law.asia is an award-winning portal providing news, analysis and expert advice on business law in Asia to in-house counsel, lawyers in private practice and other business and legal leaders. It features the proprietary editorial content and archives of our premium legal magazines – Asia Business Law Journal, China Business Law Journal and India Business Law Journal – along with videos, law firm listings, awards and much more. Produced by Law.asia Limited, an independent media company, Law.asia is multilingual, offering content in English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
http://www.nippon-foundation.or.jpJapan Venture Philanthropy Fund (JVPF) is the first full-scale venture philanthropy fund in Japan established with an initial capital of 100 million JPY by the Nippon Foundation and Social Investment Partners. Our mission is to cultivate social entrepreneurs and their enterprises to increase their social impact and bring solutions to social problems. JVPF provides NPOs and social enterprises with mid-and long-term financial and management support collaborating with professional pro bono partners including Bain & Company, Clifford Chance Law Office, and Vox Global Japan.
Social Investment Partners (SIP)
Founded by PE/VC professionals and social enterprise support experts in 2012, SIP co-established Japan Venture Philanthropy Fund (JVPF), the first full-fledged venture philanthropy fund in 2013, together with the Nippon Foundation (*) and have raised JPY1,087mil, partnered for pro-bono support with 6 professional firms, and invested in 15 organizations (of which 8 have “exited” as or March 2024). JVPF provides mid-term financial and professional management resources to social purpose organizations in areas leading to next generation development, selected through social impact scalability, operation sustainability and management leadership.
*From April 2023 JVPF is co-operated with Social Innovation and Investment Foundation (SIIF, a subsidiary of the Nippon Foundation).
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