Mergermarket M&A Forum Miami 2023

Our brand-new event for key players in the US dealmaking community!

JW Marriott, 1109 Brickell Ave, Miami

08.30 - 09.30


09.45 - 10.45

Panel: The current state of the US M&A market

According to Mergermarket data, US M&A rebounded in 2Q23, reaching USD 382bn, a 34% increase compared to 1Q23, but still lagging behind M&A volumes in 2022.  Despite headwinds, the economy has, so far, defied predictions of a recession, and a reset in the debt markets, attractive valuations, availability of capital and cash-rich corporates on the lookout for bargains should also create new opportunities for dealmaking in the region, whilst a more resilient stock market may signal the awakening of the IPO market. Our panel of regional M&A experts and corporates will discuss dealmaking trends, top sectors, challenges and unpack what lies ahead in 2024.

  • How has the rapidly changing US economic outlook shaped M&A trends, and are experts more optimistic about the year ahead?
  • Regional view: how has the M&A opportunity set in South Florida evolved in the past year, and what are the top trends and sectors in the region for deal flow?
  • IPO outlook- are we seeing a resurgence in IPOs, and what does this mean for the M&A markets?
  • As we head into 2024, what opportunities and challenges lie ahead from both a financial sponsor and strategic corporate perspective?
10.45 - 11.15

Networking Break

11.15 - 12.00

Panel: Cross-border M&A considerations- US and LatAm

South Florida and Latin America cross border deals have increasingly been on the rise. US bidders make up a crucial segment of the M&A market in LatAm, and a strong dollar and increased competition regionally has meant that US dealmakers have turned their attention towards more affordable strategic targets. Meanwhile, geopolitical and economic instabilities in various LatAm jurisdictions have led to increased capital flows to South Florida. Our panel of experienced investors will outline the impetus behind cross-border activity and offer insights into how to best capture opportunities in this space.

  • What have been the top trends in the past year that have led to increased M&A across both regions?
  • Why and how does Miami continue to serve as a key gateway to LatAm?
  • What are the key challenges LatAm investors face when investing into the US, and conversely, what are the key risks faced by US strategic buyers when seeking overseas acquisition targets?
  • Which sectors and regions have seen the most activity?
12.00 - 12.30

Fireside chat: The rise and rise of real estate M&A

The real estate market in Miami continues to buck nationwide trends. Institutional investors, financial sponsors and strategics alike have driven dealmaking in real estate joint ventures, M&A deals, and funds, whilst technology and finance companies continue to open offices in the region. Join us in this fireside chat featuring a top real estate investor who will discuss what continues to drive demand in the region, and pitfalls to be aware of.  

12.30 - 13.30

Networking Lunch

13.30 - 14.15

Panel: Healthcare M&A– riding the economic storm

M&A in the healthcare sector has dominated sector-specific dealmaking activity, contributing 23% of total North American deal volume in 1H23 according to Mergermarket data. Pharma and biotech companies continue to expand through strategic acquisitions, whilst private equity has fueled M&A activity in areas such as doctors’ groups, healthcare services and medical office buildings as investors look to capitalize on increasing demands for outpatient care and an aging population. Our panel of healthcare and private equity professionals will discuss trends in the sector and what to look out for in the upcoming year.

  • How is the healthcare M&A market shaping up regionally and nationally? Are we seeing more targets coming out of South Florida?
  • How is private equity fueling M&A trends in healthcare?
  • Beyond biotech and big pharma acquisitions, what are some upcoming healthcare investment trends to be on the lookout for?
  • How is AI impacting healthcare, and what do investors and acquirers need to be aware of?
14.15 - 14.45

Fireside chat: The rise of sports investing in Miami

Sports investments have seen a boom in popularity in the past year, with more teams up for sale, surging valuations and increased investor interest. This interactive fireside chat session will take an inside look at the acquisition of sports teams, trends to be on the lookout for, and how Miami is cementing its position as the next hub for sports investments in the US.

14.45 - 15.15

Networking Break

15.15 - 16.15

Panel: Technology + innovation M&A- cautious optimism

According to Mergermarket data, M&A in the technology sector totaled USD 115bn in the first half of 2023, a 52% year-on-year decline. Despite the market slowdown and continued macroeconomic uncertainties, the outlook for the technology M&A sector remains cautiously optimistic, with cash-rich financial sponsors engaging in take-private deals with companies whose valuations have decreased dramatically since 2021, and corporates pursuing strategic acquisitions. At a more regional level, Miami was home to the world’s largest technology exit in 2022 and is quickly establishing itself to become America’s next big tech hub, particularly in AI and crypto, with founders and funders setting up shop in the city. What is next for the industry? Our panel of investors will discuss dealmaking trends in the sector and how they are continuing to capture opportunities for long-term strategic growth. 

  • Market outlook: What have been the main drivers of deal flow in the technology M&A industry, what are the top sectors attracting M&A activity and what are strategic acquirers looking for?
  • Will the sector continue to see an increase in take-privates, divestitures, and shedding of non-core assets in 2024?
  • Crypto: will there be more M&A opportunities as the sector consolidates?
  • How are GPs and corporate acquirers using AI to maximize operational efficiencies such as through investment diligence and predictive analytics?
16.15 - 17.00

Panel: Private equity – evolving in uncertainty

The private equity market in the US remains challenging, amidst a backdrop of continued inflationary pressures, a higher interest rate environment and market volatility affecting the industry. Despite this, private equity firms are still looking to deploy US$2tn of dry powder, and dealmakers are taking advantage of new sources of deal flow, such as take-privates and acquiring struggling listed companies. As the PE industry continues to adapt to changing circumstances, GPs will find different ways to enhance portfolio company performance, unlock liquidity for investors, and explore avenues for new deals and exit opportunities. Our panel of seasoned GPs and PE experts will unpack the coming year ahead and discuss fundraising, deployment, exit activity and more.

  • Macroeconomic outlook: Amidst ongoing public market and geopolitical volatility, where are the pockets of opportunity in private equity, and what is driving deal flow locally and regionally, especially as more GPs set up shop in Miami?  
  • Buyout vs middle-market – is the latter picking up speed as buyout volume falls?
  • Enhancing deal flow: will there be a rise in take privates and listco acquisitions, and what other trends have been emerging as GPs adapt to a slower deal market?
  • Will exit challenges remain in 2024, and what is the outlook for the year ahead?
17.00 - 18.30

End of conference and networking drinks