Fabrizio Di Michele
Consul General of Italy
Fabrizio Di Michele is an Italian diplomat with 26 years of experience in the field of international relations.
Born in Palermo on May 16, 1969, he graduated in Political Science from the University of Florence in 1992, and joined the Italian Foreign Service in 1995. Between 1995 and 1997 he worked at the Secretariat of the General Directorate for Emigration and Social Affairs, dealing with issues regarding the Italian communities abroad and readmission agreements.
From 1997 to 2000 he served at the Embassy of Italy in Kinshasa, (DRC), and from 2000 to 2004 he was posted at the Italian Embassy in Beijing (PRC). Between 2004 and 2007 he served at the Cabinet of the Foreign Minister, working with the succeeding Ministers in office.
From 2007 to 2011 he was posted at the Permanent Mission of Italy at the European Union, dealing with EU relations with the Balkans and the Middle East. From 2011 to 2015, he worked as Chair of the Maghreb-Mashreq Working Group of the European External Action Service in Brussels.
Upon returning to Rome, he served in the General Directorate for Political and Security Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the Italian Envoy for the International Coalition against ISIL and Syria – from 2015 to 2018 – and then as Head of the Directorate for the Russian Federation, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia - from 2018 to March 2021.
On April 2, 2021, he became the new Consul General of Italy in New York.