Mergermarket M&A Forum Japan 2023

The premier M&A forum in Japan

The Conrad, Tokyo and online

08.55 - 09.00
09.10 - 10.10

Keynote Panel: Japanese M&A update: Navigating the turmoil

The Japanese M&A market continues to show promise, with 3,380 deals recorded in 2022 according to Dealogic – the highest volume since 2008. Despite geopolitics, trade tensions, favourable rates, and inflationary pressures, acquirors of Japanese assets can still rely on reasonable valuations, favourable exchange rates, and continued deal flow from the disposal of non-core businesses. However, for outbound transactions, Japanese companies are remaining on the sidelines, for now. Our panel of experts will discuss.

  • What investment themes and economic trends will drive Japanese M&A in the next 12 months?
  • Domestic M&A: Will deals between Japanese companies continue post-pandemic?
  • Outbound M&A: Where and what is Japan Inc. buying?
  • Inbound M&A: How much M&A activity will we see and what are the factors in Japan’s favour
10.40 - 11.10

Networking break

11.10 - 11.55

Regulatory landscape: The future of Japan’s ESG and corporate governance

Japan’s recent changes to sustainability and corporate governance disclosure requirements for listed companies has accelerated the use of M&A as a way for corporates to recognise that sustainable transformation is a long-term investment. Separately, the renewed emphasis on human capital and diversity is impacting the decisions of both financial and strategic buyers. A panel of regulators, investors, and advisors will discuss the effects of the new regulations, how companies can navigate them and utilise M&A to deliver sustainability transformation.

  • What are the latest regulations that corporate acquirors need to be aware of, especially on the data requirements from an ESG perspective?
  • What are the new polices on ESG, and will it help to improve transparency and tackle greenwashing?
  • How can investors ensure their medium-to long-term sustainability initiatives are consistent with their management policies and M&A strategy?
  • How can Japan tackle human capital and diversity challenges and reverse the talent drain?
11.55 - 12.40

Cross-border deals: Finding opportunities

Overseas players strong appetite for the Japanese market continues whilst Japanese companies have been active in engaging in cross-border M&A. Both inbound and outbound strategies have a common goal, the aim to build global-level business models for the future of sustainable growth and pivot focus to participate in the markets that offer value in the current economic climate. Our panel of experienced investors and dealmakers outline the driving forces for cross-border activity, including the hotspots in the Japanese market.

  • Which sectors in the region are most attractive to overseas dealmakers?
  • What are the key challenges for executing cross-border deals during the acquisition spree this year?
  • How are companies forging ties with internationals partners to drive M&A?
  • How are companies integrating domestic & overseas operations to establish global management systems and structures?
12.40 - 13.40

Networking Lunch

14.10 - 15.00

Technology M&A: Maximising digital value

Digital transformation is still an M&A theme for 2023 in Japan as businesses of all sizes and across sectors strive for digital transformation to stay competitive. Bolstered by the events of the last three years, which has accelerated the pace of digitalisation and e-commerce, Japanese corporates in sectors ranging from financial services to healthcare continue to search for technology acquisitions to assist business transformation, innovation, and improve sustainability and green outcomes. In this session, a panel of industry experts will discuss dealmaking in this sector, and how companies can protect their positions by pursuing domestic and outbound technology M&A.

  • What strategies are top Japanese corporates using to invest in technology innovations?
  • Which sub-sectors are Japanese investors looking at: climate tech, healthtech, and fintech?
  • What are some of the challenges of working with startups and investing in foreign technology companies?
  • How can digital transformation help businesses increase their sustainability performance and reach their carbon reduction goals?
  • How can Japan reinvent its automotive industry by transition to electric vehicles?
15.00 - 15.30

Networking break

15.30 - 16.30

Private equity: Growing importance in the M&A market

Last year, private equity deals in Japan increased from 2021 levels in terms of both number and value, with 96 deals agreed for a total of USD25.9 billion according to Dealogic. The rise in activity is driving increasingly more international private equity funds to set up offices in Japan as they look for opportunities to make large-scale deals from the number of corporate carveouts and the disposal of non-core assets. In addition, the favourable monetary policy, low rates, and Yen all work in favour of deal makers. Our panel of leading GPs will share their views on the opportunities and challenges in the market.

  • What issues tested GPs and their advisors in 2022, and are they expected to continue or will new challenges emerge?
  • Which sectors, prefectures, and transaction sizes have Japanese GPs been focusing on?
  • Will the re-opening of other Asian markets shift focus away from Japan?
  • What financing is available for the LBOs of Japanese companies?
16.30 - 16.35

Close of conference

16.35 - 18.00

Cocktail reception